
Our services aim to help our clients build a portfolio of investments according to their risk profile and needs, enabling them to maximize their overall return. Our services cover a diverse range of securities securities such as high risk/high return equities, medium risk debt securities, and very low risk or risk free government and public debt securities. Your risk tolerance and expectation of returns, along with your current financial situation will guide us to formulate an investment strategy that is best suited to achieve your financial goals.

A lack of knowledge regarding the financial market or an extremely busy work schedule could be some of the reasons that may lead to either a poor investment strategy or having no strategy at all. At GAAINS we believe investment in financial markets requires not only a specific skill set and professionalism, but also a high degree of focus and continuous analysis of the economic climate to be able to react to short term fluctuations as well as long term trajectory changes. We take out time to understand our client’s financial needs; and using our expertise we devise an investment strategy that is most suitable for our clients.

In line with its vision, GAAINS spares no effort to reach out to all the segments of the society with its advisory services. Our focus is not restricted to high net worth individuals and large sized institutions, rather at GAAINS we believe that investment advice is most essential to people and institutions from all walks of life and social strata.

Investing in Pakistan’s financial markets is a challenging task. Once you have decided to invest in the capital market and engaged GAAINS as your advisers, we will guide you through the whole process of making your investments.

  • We focus not only on your investment process but the total financial well-being.

  • We provide explanations in layman’s terms for the client to truly understand and learn from their advisor.

  • Make clear and specific recommendations and explain how these will help you meet your goals.

  • Explain the risks involved with every investment that we recommend..

  • Answer your questions about investment products and strategies to remove any reservations.

  • Keep your personal information safe and confidential..

What we DO NOT DO:

Guarantee market performance.

Promise unrealistic expectations of profits

Hold custody of client’s assets in any form.

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