About us

GAAINS was formed with the foremost purpose of reaching out to all the segments of Pakistan’s economy and increase awareness about the Capital Market and its diverse products. Through our advisory services we aim to help investors in enhancing their understanding of complex capital market products and to promote investment culture for the healthy economic growth of our country. At GAAINS we share the vision of the regulators and are committed to work towards the manifolds growth in the client base as well as the financial market products.

To become knowledgeable and trusted advisors, providing most befitting advice to our clients, charging fair fee and safeguarding our client’s interest.

The founders of GAAINS Pvt ltd could foresee the upcoming transformation of the capital markets of Pakistan, the changing environment as a result of demutualization and the rising need for highly professional securities advisory services for growth of financial markets of the country. It was in this context that GAAINS Pvt Ltd was formed by its founders in 2014. The primary purpose for creating the company was to form a licensed securities advisory & data service. The founders of the company have been associated with the capital market of Pakistan for more than a decade.